Articles featured in Topiarius
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The Knot Garden
by Véronique Goblet dAlviella
In March, last year, I invited all the Belgian members to the creation of the knotgarden in the walled garden or potager
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The Art of the Professional Topiarist
Simon Rose talks about his work as a professional Topiarist
“ Gardening is a four dimensional art where we work with space and time, and the well clipped evergreen is the embodiment of this. Its subliminal message is order, duration, stability. The Topiarist’s task is to define and control their development, using imagination tempered by experience…. Presently undergoing one of its perennial revivals, topiary continues to provide central or subtle structure in space, and can no more go out of fashion than clothing of a classic cut”
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Green Architecture
Landscape Architect Anthony du Gard Pasley discusses the role of Topiary in contemporary gardens.
“ What is the place of topiary in the modern garden?”